Today I kind of feel like these Dinosaurs. I've missed the creatine boat today.
My levels are still 5x higher than they should be. Dr. Rinnir, my renal doc, says that he was encouraged that the numbers didn't go up. He thinks they'll start coming down soon, that I can get the port off my chest and go home. He wouldn't commit to any certain creatine number but he is encouraged because I am making a lot of urine.
Dr. Rinnir is my hero today because I have been dying for some regular food. They're feeding me ok here it's just that I wanted a bagel and some cream cheese. He was like..."You can have a bagel. It's not going to hurt you." What I'd really like is a hamburger and fries, or some Chinese food...which let's face it is probably the worst thing for my kidneys now.
It hasn't been totally awful in the hospital. Luckily they have some free movies, I have the internet, Netflix and I'm resting a lot. I kind of feel narcoleptic because I can nod off mid sentence.
I've been getting up and walking more and more so that's good. Last night I went to the little kitchen area on our floor and met a nurse that had taken care of me early last week. She was visibly shocked and even said..."Oh my gosh, you're up...look at your face!" Tonight was the same thing, I was at the nurse's station and they were all commenting on how much better I looked. So I'm encouraged by that, I just need those stinking creatine levels to start coming down.
In the mean time my Mom is here staying with me. I feel badly for her sleeping on the cot they have in here. It's probably one level up from a prison mattress but she's been a sport staying with me. Tomorrow night she'll go to the house and stay there and I'll stay the night by myself. It's not that I can't stay alone...I just feel so much better having someone with me.
Tonight right before dinner the hospital chaplain came to visit me. He is from Nigeria. He spent about 10 minutes visiting with us. He said that several times a day he takes his patient list into the chapel to say a prayer for the people on the list. I was really quite moved.
I think that all of the prayers that have been uttered in my behalf have kept me from getting any sicker and that God has heard every prayer and plea for my health. I can't tell you how I appreciate them. There have been times I couldn't pray a complete prayer for myself and knowing that so many friends and family are remembering me has been such a blessing to me.
Hopefully tomorrow I won't miss the boat and we'll see those levels coming down.
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