Anyway...I updated my private blog and thought I should update my health blog as well while I was at it.
Remember...I'm graphic and telling it all!
So...it's been a little over a month since my kidney failure/Bactrim allergy/D.I.C./I almost died episode. I'm actually feeling pretty good. I went to see my PCP (the one that prescribed the Bactrim for me in the first place) about 4 days after I was released from the hospital. I needed her to write a prescription for insulin and I didn't really have time to deal with getting a different doctor.
Anyway...I think she probably realized that there is a possibility that I would go after her in court because she said that I am a scary patient to have. She wanted to know if there were "any drugs" that I could take without having a reaction because of my "underlying rheumatological issue". Well...I don't know but I think you should consult with my rheumatolgist before you write an RX for me now shouldn't you? I think that was her way of saying..."Listen honey you can try and sue me but my lawyer will argue that you're a difficult patient anyway so regardless of what drug I prescribed you were bound to have some problem."
Back to my health...
I am down to 15 mg of Prednisone this week. I've stopped gaining weight and have kept off the 30 that I've lost in total but my face is still round and puffy. At least to me. I can see it and even though my husband won't say it I know he sees it too.
My skin...let's talk about that. That damn Bactrim has done a number on my skin! I am STILL peeling skin from my waist down. When I take my clothes off you can see all the skin dust flying in the air! My hands are finally done peeling and thankfully I didn't lose my nails like some people do. Now my feet are peeling! And I mean in thick sheets! My toes, the tops, sides and bottoms of my feet! I can't believe how long it's taken this drug to get out of my system! In case you didn't get the idea...DON'T TAKE BACTRIM....EVER!!!!
My hair...let's talk about that! The day after I got home from the hospital I was finally able to take a shower without all the tape and plastic covering ports and whatnot so I was able to really scrub my hair. The skin on my head peeled...remember...Abominable Snowman type dandruff? Anyway...the first time I lost about a cup full of hair. I am still losing hair. When I blowdry my hair the tile on my bathroom floor looks like a shag rug from the 70's! Thankfully I started out with A LOT of hair and I'm hoping it will grow back.
On the plus side...I haven't had a menstrual cycle since December. Could it be possible that all of this has rocketed my body into menopause? That would totally be on the UP side for me! I'm not a big fan of the whole process to begin with and if it could just be gone and never come back I could REALLY like that!
That's all for now. All you closet Gladys Kravitzes...hope that was worth it for ya!
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