I don't know if you've ever watched someone who is dying but they get this rattle in their chest known as the 'death rattle'.
I'm convinced that I have it! Not really... but I ended up at the doctor's office again today. I've been sick for over a week and yesterday I got so sick that I couldn't even really get out of bed. I have a BAD sinus infection that has moved into my lungs. Every time I breathe in or out you can hear this rattle in my lungs. Too much mucus.
I tried Mucinex....who invented that stuff? It should state on the bottle that it's only for men or women who have the ability to 'hock a loogie' from way back in the back of their throats because if you don't have that ability all it does is make you feel like you're drowning in snot!
I tried, Nyquil, Dayquil, Sudafed, Claritin, Excedrin....nothing worked. So finally today I went to the doctor. By now I really do have an infection and need an antibiotic and a cough syrup with codeine in it...THANK YOU! I'm sure my husband thanks you too since I sound like a grizzly bear when I'm trying to sleep. I've woken MYSELF up with the horrible sounds coming out of me!
On a positive note....
I think my hair is starting to grow back in. I've been using Rogaine for women and my hair is thicker on the top. Its kinda funny because you only put 1 ml of stuff on your scalp and rub it in. I try to get it rubbed in before it drips down on my face but a couple of times I've had some beads of Rogaine go down onto my face. I picture looking like this some day.....

But I really think my hair is going to end up looking like this....

I'll just be glad when my hair doesn't look like an add for Frizz Ease!