So....I had to go back to the rheumy today. For the past 3 weeks I've been having a pain in my left elbow. At first I thought maybe I'd pulled a muscle or something. Although I couldn't remember how I might have even pulled a muscle...I mean you do have to lift or exercise or something right?....I just thought maybe I did something to my left arm. I also sleep on my left side and typically my left arm goes under my pillow and head and my hand kind of hangs out between the mattress and headboard. Maybe my odd sleeping position put a strain on the joint? wasn't going away and in the meantime I also started developing more symptoms like REALLY swollen hands in the morning and just a couple of days ago started having bad hip pain and lower back pain.
Since the CRP level was slightly elevated in January I thought it best to follow up with the doctor. So, I called yesterday and got an appointment for 12:30. Dr. Nan examined me and noticed that my knuckle joints are swollen and my fingers are red and puffy. Not a good sign.
Off to the lab I went where they drew 12 vials of blood. She's repeating all of my initial labs to see if she can find out what's going on. I'm praying she can find out that my thyroid is out of whack and I need some thyroid medicine that will turn me into a Catherine Zeta-Jones body double! However, because my life is typically going in the wrong direction....
Instead of this........
I'm bound to get this from all the steroids: